ELLEFF STUDIO carries inventory of most items and when in stock, will ship in 2 to 3 business days. The current availability of every item is shown on its order page. Items that you order and are out of stock will be placed into the production queue within 24 hours. Once into the queue an estimated lead time will be e-mailed to you.

We ship via UPS Ground and the ELLEFF STUDIO website is connected to UPS for real-time rates via your shipping address, along with the weight and quantity of the products are you are ordering. The exact shipping charge will be calculated for you on the Shopping Cart page when you place your order.

As required by law, we collect sales tax on items that ship to an address within the state of Indiana. We do not collect sales tax on any shipping charges, nor do we collect sales tax or any required internet tax that may be required by any other states.

Feel free to contact us with any questions.